Refugee Relief- Syrian Ministry

With an influx of refugees from four regional wars in just 70 years, millions of refugees from different conflicts currently live in Jordan. The country has about 655,000 Syrian refugees. Not only does CMG work closely with many Syrian refugees to help support and provide for these families, but also works closely with Refuge Cities Network. The mission is to love and help the refugees by providing relief, medical assistance, development, and training, working with those stricken by the afflictions of war.  Many of them are struggling not only financially but mentally as well. We want to stand with them and provide them with the necessary trauma-healing opportunities that they need. Providing subsidized medical assistance and free health care to impoverished families is often an answer to prayer. One of the core programs is providing free clinics and assistance in urgent healthcare conditions, distributing blankets in the winter, and cooling fans in the summer. We have also distributed thousands and thousands of food parcels to families that are in deep crisis. 

The program focuses on:

  • Helping the poor in cooperation with associations and official organizations in and around Jordan.

  • Providing in-kind assistance (food parcels, blankets, heated fans), during times of Crisis. 

  • Providing school bags and stationary for children of families in need.

  • Training, preparing and empowering youth, working on developing leadership thought, providing tools and skills they need for community work and qualifying for the labor market through various programs, including practical applications.

  • Creating projects in Jordanian villages for sustainable development

  • Distribution of wheelchairs and medical support devices

  • Opening and establishing free medical clinics

  • Carrying out rehabilitation and training projects (sewing, English, computer).