Standing Together in Gaza

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

We hope this email finds you well. It has been very difficult to continue witnessing the pain and suffering endured by the people, especially the innocent children, women, and civilians who face danger every day.

Though we may struggle to comprehend the full extent of what is happening, we find solace in knowing that God sees and knows all. Even amid our inability to fully understand, we trust in His goodness and sovereignty. It is crucial, especially now, to continue seeking the Lord through prayer and to extend His love to all, regardless of background or ethnicity, for we are all created in His image.

As Micah 6:8 says, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." reminding us, that we are called to love mercy, walk humbly before the Lord, and pursue justice. These principles guide our actions as we navigate through these tumultuous times.

In the face of great sadness, we wish to share with you some tangible efforts of hope. Below you will find pictures of our church building after the damage it incurred. It is heart-wrenching to see a place dedicated to the Lord's service since 2005 now bearing the scars of conflict. One image, in particular, shows Hebrew script on the door—a silent testament to the challenges faced by our community.

However, amidst this pain, we press on with our mission. Recently, we were able to conduct a food distribution in the middle of Gaza. We distributed over 1000 hot meals to those in the churches and the civilians in the neighborhood who are helping protect the churches, last Sunday. We are hoping to do another meal next Sunday. Currently, the churches are only able to provide two meals per week for those in the church. We want to express our deep gratitude for the opportunity to provide sustenance to our brothers and sisters in their time of need.

The woman in the middle of the Gaza Strip who has been making bread for the needy, as mentioned before continues to do so and we have leaders helping in the distribution of the bread to people in Gaza who are not located inside of the churches.

This is just a glimpse of what we have been doing. Churches, alongside our organization, have been working tirelessly to support the Christian community and contribute to peace efforts in the region. Yet, the needs remain immense, and we urge you to consider standing with us in solidarity and support.

We are grateful to be part of the larger family of God, knowing that when one member suffers, the entire body feels the pain. Your prayers, support, and generosity are invaluable to us during these trying times.

As a reminder, the matching gift challenge is still going on. A group of anonymous donors have generously offered to match all donations up to $110,000! We would greatly appreciate your help in reaching our goal and supporting those in need.

May the Lord guide us and strengthen us as we navigate through these challenging times.

We always enjoy hearing and staying in touch with all. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

In Christ's love,

Pastor Hanna Massad

Founder & President


Update On Gaza: 163 Days In.


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